By default, notation for each staff of a song is in one layer mode. If you wish to have two layers for a staff, please follow the steps: ...
To add a pickup measure into a newly being created song, perform the following steps on New Song Screen: ...
To add repeat signs, endings, segno, coda or other similar symbols, folow the steps below: ...
Score Creator supports to add chord symbols (C, Dm, E7, G#dim, Bbsus2, ...) to songs (see the demo song bundled with the app) and play back the chords as an accompany part of the melody notes. ...
By default, a new measure will have the same time and key signature as those of the song or of the measure before it. However, in some cases you may want to set different values to these signatures. ...
The following is a guide on how to transfer songs between different versions of Score Creator app using iTunes. There is another way of transfering songs like this but using email, which is simpler, ...
The following is a guide on how to transfer songs between different versions of Score Creator app using email. There is another way of transfering songs like this but using iTunes, which is more complicated, ...
When you are done writing a song with the app, you may want to export it into other formats so you can send it to other people, or save it to the computer for further editing using more professional apps like Finale, Encore, Musescore,. ...
Score Creator offers a very flexible way to transpose some parts or the whole song. It's useful especially in case you want to change the key of an existing song, or a song you imported from MIDI file. Steps as follows: 1. ...
* To add lyrics into the song, do as follows: 1. Choose "Edit Lyric Lines" from the Menu 2. Press "New Lyric Line" on the Edit Lyric Lines screen. You can add as many lyric lines as you want. Then press "Done" 3. ...
In order to add triplets into your song, first you need to press the triplet key (marked in orange above) to turn the notes on the first two rows of the keyboard into triplet notes, then press the note you wish to insert to the song. ...
You can select a list of consecutive notes that belong to the same staff, like the above image. In order to do that, do as follows: - Select starting note. - Turn on Shift key (press and see it is highlighted). - Select ending note. ...
The way of inserting notes into the song is to use the virtual "note keyboard" within the app (below image). The note keyboard is divided into 2 parts: - The upper part (2 upper rows) contains the keys that you will press to enter ...
You can import MIDI files by copying them into your device through iTunes File Sharing. Connect your device to a computer with iTunes app opened. ...
Check out the review video for the app from, a website specialzing in mobile app review.
The demonstration video of the app.
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